Your Guide For Business Transformation

Turn Change Into Opportunity

Change is inevitable, and so are the challenges that come with it. If your business requires key support and guidance for a merger, acquisition, carveout, turnaround, or restructuring, Core Catalysts can guide you through a seamless transition that turns business challenges into significant improvements and highly successful transformations.

Business Transformation Expertise

Core Catalysts regularly serves businesses throughout their transformative projects, delivering on-the-ground support and assistance to ensure we meet their urgent needs.

We’re no stranger to diving in to perform fractional, interim, and operator roles to support your daily operations as you undertake the challenges of performance improvement and transformation.

We offer consulting expertise for:

Mergers and Acquisitions

We advise on portfolio optimization, divestitures, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and strategic alliances to enhance competitiveness and value creation.


We offer strategic consulting during the sale, divestiture, or acquisition of a specific division or profit center of a business.

Business transformation

Core Catalysts assist with fundamental changes to improve performance in personnel, processes, technology, culture, systems, or structure. We deliver highly successful project and change management initiatives, performance improvement, and execution and implementation support to ensure sustainable change.

Turnarounds and Restructuring

Our team helps companies facing financial difficulties, operational inefficiencies, or market disruptions, guiding you back to stability and growth.

Performance assessment

We conduct performance assessments, benchmarking, and process optimization to drive continuous improvement and operational excellence.

Performance improvement implementation and management

Trust our team to execute programs and initiatives that drive effectiveness and efficiency.

KPI measurement, management, and reporting

Mitigate risk and ensure business longevity with our risk management strategies, resilience plans, and business continuity strategies (e.g., financial, operational, legal, technological, legislative, and more).


Outsourcing allows business leaders to focus on strategic growth and core business initiatives, while our specialists focus on targeted performance improvement tasks that would otherwise overburden your team.

Targeted Support For Critical Transformations

Business Transformation Values

As we guide your business through the challenges and opportunities that lie in business transformation, we are steadfast in our values as a consulting firm. This ensures that our powerful approach delivers your business successfully through major changes.

Work With Core Catalysts For Transformation Support

We want to see your business take its next step forward with success. Core Catalysts ensures the most seamless transition possible, so you can see the results you desire and experience an effective new beginning.

When your business is undergoing significant change, you require a steadfast, measured approach that guides you forward. Hiring a consulting firm you trust can pay dividends for everyone involved, no matter the circumstances.

Contact Core Catalysts today about business transformation services.