Tag Archive: enterprise

  1. Cost Control for CIOs and CTOs

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    Holding the Line and Doing More, With Less

    In today’s dynamic business environment and economy, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) are under increasing pressure to “hold the line” and “do more with less” … all at a time when baseline IT (Information Technology) operating costs are increasing based on a variety of factors outside their control (e.g., pay increases, benefits cost inflation, and technology licensing and maintenance price escalation).

    On top of this, many CIOs and CTOs are being asked to “hold the line” on enterprise IT costs, while at the same time being served with even greater and more diverse business demands for new capabilities (e.g., application upgrades and platform extensions) as well as a burning desire across all business functions to leverage transformative next-generation technology (e.g., Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Advanced Automation, etc.).

    How should a modern CIO / CTO “thread this needle,” successfully delivering innovative solutions and quality services to their organization, while at the same time responding to the pressure to control costs?

    Solving the Financial Jigsaw Puzzle

    Not all IT leaders have access to decipherable, let alone insightful, financial reports and analytics – what they have is more like a financial “jigsaw puzzle.”

    Typical complications include inaccurate categorization of IT costs, IT spend allocations distributed arbitrarily across functions and departments (or intricate formulas for calculating / allocating costs with inconsistent application of capitalization rules, and / or lack of year-over-year comparability while not reflecting reality), and difficulty in comparability due to frequent reorganizations and reclassifications.

    Fortunately, one of Core Catalysts “sweet spots” is helping “untangle” financial data to create clarity and support analysis. This means that we are frequently asked by CIOs and CTOs to work with them and their teams to establish a clear picture of spend, taking into account costs incurred centrally versus in departments, salary and non-salary trends, operating and capital differentiation, allocations, project accounting, and other areas of potential murkiness.

    Re-Baselining IT

    The Core Catalysts team includes c-level operators with decades of IT leadership experience. We have worked with hundreds of IT leaders to align their organizations with new realities and an eye towards cost control.

    We work side-by-side with CIOs / CTOs to re-baseline IT strategies and operations from the ground-up, considering both existing needs (i.e., “day-to-day” operations) and future requirements (e.g., major upgrades, implementation projects, etc.).

    Our experiences show that, although daunting on the surface, re-baselining serves multiple purposes and sets the stage for ongoing, shared fiscal accountability between IT and the rest of the business, that positively changes the dynamic of how the business sees and works with the IT function.

    Since re-baselining will inherently drive change, we are also often asked to outline a people-oriented roadmap and translate practical plans into resonant stories that support and communicate the organizational imperatives for change to all key stakeholders.

    And, having re-baselined, Core Catalysts frequently works with our clients to reforecast and develop projections to tell the IT story to stakeholders at the executive and board level, underpinned by comprehensive and compelling financial business cases to illustrate returns on investment (ROI), taking into account “total cost of ownership” (TCO).

    Initial Assessment | Key Focus Areas

    A well tested approach that can be used to assist with re-baselining includes:

    Appraisal of IT Services

    • What services does the organization require to thrive?
    • Are there services missing?
    • Are there services which are no longer required?
    • Are there services that do not belong in IT (that could be outsourced, etc.)?

    Assessment of Reference Architecture

    • Has IT made the most of next generation technology (e.g., SaaS, Cloud, etc.)?
    • Has the organization any duplicated (triplicated, etc.) technology solutions and services?
    • Is it time to rationalize past and future decisions?

    Sourcing Strategy Review

    • Are the costs of services in line with benchmarks?
    • What services should IT provide internally?
    • What services should IT provide externally?

    IT Governance

    • Are business owners collaborating with IT on projects and decisions (that impact IT)?
    • Are all the costs and associated organizational impacts considered when making IT investment decisions?
    • Does IT have a seat at the table on overall business goals, objectives, and strategy, and how they can support and enable them?

    IT Organization and Culture

    • Is the current IT organization structured for effectiveness?
    • Is IT culture focused on efficiency?
    • Is the CIO / CTO empowered to make organizational decisions?
    • Is there ‘shadow IT’ in business units or other non-IT parts of the business?

    Financial Impact of IT Operating Costs

    • Based on re-baselining, what are the revised financial projections for IT spending?
    • What financial impacts would this have on the organization (a) in the short term, (b) in the medium term, and (c) in the long term?
    • What are the key messages and “stories” that need to be communicated, and to whom?

    IT Cost Control is a Team Sport

    Our approach to IT cost-control depends on the adoption of an efficiency and effectiveness mindset for technology stakeholders across the organization … cost control is a “team sport.”

    To that end, we recommend that CIOs / CTOs engage their peers in their efforts to reduce IT operating costs: the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) are often key partners in these efforts and should co-sponsor any transformational work, with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) supporting any drive for shared IT governance and decision-making.

    How is Core Catalysts Different?

    Unlike many larger firms, Core Catalysts is platform agnostic, meaning that we are neither tied nor beholden to any one solution provider and can recommend technological approaches and system selections that are exactly calibrated to our client’s needs (versus our own).

    Equally, while we have meaningful offshore resource capabilities for custom development, software implementation, and system integrations, we do not have the same pressure to “feed the beast” as larger firms, and our business model is also not predicated on tying our clients to long-term support contracts that are costly for them but profitable for us … we have no interest in building systems that only we understand and can maintain!

    Put bluntly … we put what is right for the client first and foremost.

    Finally, for every engagement, our aim is that the client realizes true and ongoing economic value from our services, measured as a multiple of our fees: our goal is to deliver a return at least ten times greater than the dollar value spent.

    To achieve these ROI levels, we approach all work by understanding expected business impacts first, and then planning our efforts accordingly, while challenging any assumption that prevents us from providing maximum value or lessens the business case for our efforts.

    In addition to bringing experienced teams and proven tools and methodologies to each engagement, we pride ourselves on our ability to bring a sense of urgency, combined with a pragmatic approach focused on delivering “dollars and cents” value to our clients … if it doesn’t make sense to you, it doesn’t make sense for us.

    Next Steps

    If you would like to find out more about our IT Cost Control assessments and IT system modernization business case generation expertise, reach out to us today!

    Mark Jacobs, Client Service and Delivery

  2. EPMO in 2023

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    John F. Kennedy said that “Change is the law of life.” His thoughts certainly are appropriate for the current state of employment in the US. We have seen such dramatic changes since the “Great Resignation” in 2021.

    During 2021, we experienced record breaking changes in employment. In fact, 2021 delivered the highest average on record for employees leaving their employer, which equated to an average of 3.9 million resignations each month.

    In contrast, throughout 2023 we’ve seen headcount reductions across all business sectors.  Time Magazine reports that close to 172,000 people have lost their employment in the tech sector alone. Other organizations such as Disney, Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, Bed Bath and Beyond, and many more have also reduced their headcount significantly.

    You may be thinking these data points really aren’t that interesting or you may be thinking this news really isn’t that important.

    What these staggering numbers do not address is the impact that significant attrition or staff reductions can have on an organization. When organizations lose experience, knowledge, and expertise in large numbers, most organizations have a difficult time maintaining or even regaining their momentum, let alone meeting their annual business objectives.

    There are numerous steps organizations can take to help reduce this type of impact and support their ongoing momentum. One suggestion that we will focus on today is the creation of an Enterprise Project Management Office that will provide:

    • Executive exposure to strategic programs and projects
    • Focused support and consistent reporting with the intention of improving outcomes over time
    • Consistent methods and processes for approving, initiating, staffing, and implementing programs and projects

    The structure of an EPMO provides visibility, knowledge of the strategic programs across the organization, and a clear set of methods and processes for teams to follow. All of these are key areas that help prevent loss of knowledge when an organization is facing a high attrition rate.

    Additionally, an EPMO can provide guidance on how to implement cost reporting in an organization and to build upon that reporting, can help identify and measure areas of cost savings. An EPMO is often the right organization to assist with data-based decision making as well.

    These types of consistent processes and knowledge sharing are key to supporting an effective operational structure that will provide the support needed to achieve business objectives.

    If you would like to learn more about how to implement a successful Enterprise Project Management Office in your organization, you may want to work with a small team, with deep expertise and real experience, to help you create the desired outcome.

    If you have an interest in learning more, give us a call.

    – Kellie Bryan


  3. ERP: When and How to Upgrade Your System

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    When analyzing the effectiveness of your ERP system, consider the following questions:

    • Are you relying on multiple systems and software solutions to manage your business?
    • Do you feel a lot of time is being wasted on manual processes and data input?
    • Do your current business systems suffer from an obvious lack of features, slow or glitchy performance, reduced support, or potential security issues?
    • Is it overly complex and difficult to onboard new staff, set up new reports, or find, access, and use accurate data?
    • Are you missing out on sales because you don’t have the right products in stock or can’t get orders to customers quickly enough?
    • Are you running at 100% capacity and don’t know how to grow your business without expanding?
    • Do you seem to not be making as much money as you should within certain channels or with certain customers?

    These are all signs that it might be time to upgrade your ERP system.

    While e-commerce, machine learning, AI, and the cloud have been front-of-mind topics in recent years, today’s economy means that, no matter what industry, and no matter whether you are a manufacturing or service company, having a robust ERP platform is a top business priority.

    Right now, many of our clients are considering upgrading their ERP systems to strengthen their supply chains, upgrade their supply chain management capabilities, improve operating efficiency (countering inflationary pressures), and maximize production / service delivery capacity, thereby enabling future growth.

    We’ve been involved in and have led multiple ERP upgrades and implementations. Their impact on business performance and metrics (e.g., service levels, inventory and materials days on hand, margins, etc.) has been transformative. This enables measurable growth in revenue and profit, with clear returns on the efforts and investment.

    However, approaching your ERP upgrade the wrong way can be catastrophic. ERP implementations are typically time consuming and complex, and botched ERP implementations have been known to decrease supply chain visibility, tank revenue and profit, and drive ongoing incremental complexity and expense. In fact, some estimates indicate that three-quarters of ERP transformations fail to stay on schedule or on budget, and around two-thirds of ERP upgrade projects have a negative return on investment.¹

    So if you are considering upgrading your ERP system, and want to avoid the potential pitfalls, what should you do?

    With collective experience in ERP implementation spanning hundreds of years, the Core Catalysts team have identified five critical factors that consistently contribute to success.

    Strong SI vendor selection and management

    Most ERP software providers do not sell directly to customers, relying on Systems Implementation (SI) partners for all but the largest customers. While there are many high-quality ERP SI’s out there, we have found that there are also a lot of mediocre ones, so much so that we often say that SI selection is as important as ERP system selection.

    Equally, we have seen many companies assume that their ERP SI will not need a lot of management once they have been selected. Unfortunately, too many times have we seen a “fox guarding the hen house” situation develop, where the incentive for the SI to increase scope and duration (and thereby, fees) becomes too much for them to resist.

    Therefore, critical factor number one for successful ERP implementations is strong SI vendor selection and management.

    Strong Project Management

    Linked to the first critical success factor, we have seen many ERP implementations fail due to an organization’s lack of experience in managing major IT projects and multivendor programs.

    ERP projects in particular benefit from rigorous project management systems, protocols, and governance, meaning that there is typically a strong ROI from bringing in an outside consultant like us to help project manage implementation.

    Equally, investment in outside project management help has the dual benefit of reducing “stresses” to the organization that can arise from having internal subject matter experts divert time and attention away from their “day jobs” towards managing an ERP implementation.

    So, critical success factor number two is strong project management.

    Investment in Requirements Gathering/Generation

    Similar to the second critical success factor, many organizations fail to understand the level of input needed from business sponsors to successfully define the requirements (i.e., the functionality a system needs to have and the scope of what the system needs to be able to do) and struggle to manage the multiple, complex, detailed discussions needed, even when they have adequate resources and capabilities internally to do this (which they often don’t).

    Frequently we see clients rush headlong into an ERP implementation without taking adequate time or effort to answer important requirements questions around items such as operating models, workflows, and processes, or considerations such as data management and validation rights. Subsequently, this often leads to mid-program issues (and schedule and cost overruns) that undermine confidence in the project, as well as the potential for the ERP implementation to deliver positive operational and financial returns.

    This is why Core Catalysts often includes assistance in requirements gathering/generation upfront within an ERP implementation project as part of our project management approach. This is also why many of our clients see a strong ROI in engaging us within ERP implementation projects.

    A good example of this is how frequently we are able to reduce both the upfront implementation expense and ongoing operating expenses of new ERP systems. We do this by helping clients maximize the usage of standard configurations and out-of-the-box functionality. By focusing and aligning client stakeholders on business requirements, we are able to reduce the number of customizations that often drive both costs and complexity!

    Therefore, critical success factor number three is investment (of both time and money) in requirements gathering/generation at the beginning of an ERP implementation.

    Investment in Change Management

    Similar to the third critical success factor, many organizations fail to understand the importance of investing in “change management” (including training, communications, and user acceptance testing) in order to achieve the projected benefits of an ERP system upgrade.

    Many times, we have seen projects sponsors query the dollar value of the “change management” line item in an ERP implementation budget. They see it as a cost to be reduced versus the investment that it actually is. Investing in change management helps to drive faster speed of adoption, higher ultimate utilization, and greater proficiency which all generate measurable and meaningful financial returns.

    Time and time again, we see a high correlation between investment in change management and ultimate achievement of projected financial and organizational benefits from ERP upgrades. Skimping on change management is a false economy!

    Focus on Business Value / Benefits

    It is very easy to get caught up in the technological considerations surrounding the business case for an ERP implementation. Your system is old, it doesn’t work quite how you’d like it to, processes are manual, etc.

    However, unless these issues are mission critical (i.e., they are threatening the long-term sustainability and success of your organization), it is important to identify the business value/benefits of any proposed investment in a new (or upgraded) ERP system.

    Too often, we see companies spend most of their time on roadmaps, activities, and deliverables, and too little time on the business case when considering whether or not to invest in an ERP implementation. If a business case is not well quantified, documented, and monitored during and after the implementation, is it any wonder so many ERP projects fail to deliver positive returns on investment?

    This is why our successful ERP implementations balance the technological considerations and unmet business needs / opportunities with a strong eye on developing a business case. This leads to delivery of the business value/benefits that underpinned the original investment decision.

    In conclusion, with good SI selection and management, strong project management, upfront investment in requirements gathering/generation, and a focus on business case/value creation, upgrading your ERP system can be an important enabler of business growth and maintaining and improving your business performance.

    If you’d like to discuss how Core Catalysts might be able to help you decide whether or not it is time to upgrade your ERP system, or how we can help you in implementation, please give us a call!

    Mark Jacobs, Client Service & Delivery

    ¹Casanova, Lohiya, Loufrani, Pacca, and Peters (2019), “Agile in enterprise resource planning: A myth no more”, McKinsey & Company