
February 2021

PMO: Basics of Project Management Office Start-Up

There are so many challenges when an organization decides to setup a Project Management Office (PMO). These challenges range from strategic to tactical, theoretical to practical. The question is how do we implement an effective PMO? Understand Your Environment It is essential that you understand the environment in which you will be setting up an effective PMO. […]

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December 2020

Executive On Demand Feature: JoLinda Vega

JoLinda Vega is an innovative, results oriented leader. She has comprehensive experience using a consultative approach to gain an understanding of the client’s business needs. In doing so, she provides a strategic business perspective and technology-based direction to manage organizations into the next era. She is consistently recognized for achieving business goals, providing effective client […]

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October 2020

Executive On Demand Feature: Marvin Motley

Marvin Motley is a senior executive leader driving Fortune 100 value through procurement, cost savings and operational process improvements across $10B global sourcing. Marvin draws on his legal and organizational leadership to optimize analytics and spend, while creating improvements across a wide variety of functions and commodities. His strong leadership has improved prices across 38k […]

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October 2020

Solving Cloud Sprawl: Hidden Costs of Cloud Operations

In the very forgettable 1993 movie “Point of No Return,” Harvey Keitel delivered three minutes of screen genius in his role as Victor the Cleaner. By the time Victor shows up, our heroine, Bridget Fonda, has made a mess of her assignment to (spoiler alert) assassinate her target. With her partner shot, they must call […]

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September 2020

Overspending: How to Minimize Costs

Even during the best of times, reducing costs and increasing revenue are the best ways to keep your business healthy. Right now, identifying and reducing areas of excess spending is a critical priority. Here are a few areas that we frequently see overspending: Internet and Telecommunications Even before the increases in video-conferencing, communication and accessibility […]

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September 2020

The Gig Economy and Subject Matter Experts

The popularity of a “gig economy” is continuously increasing. According to the American Staffing Association, many Americans view this as a relatively new way to describe non-traditional work, but actually this concept has existed for a while. This term is often used with musicians, referring to a performance as a “gig.” A musician provides short-term, specialized […]

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August 2020

This VUCA World: What Can You Do About It?

VUCA is an acronym coined at the US Army College in the 1990’s to sum up what the world would be like after the Soviet Union’s collapse: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. However, I think you will all agree that VUCA has never been more relevant for both the military and business than it is […]

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August 2020

Executive on Demand: Why and How

Many people have asked me why we started the Executive on Demand offering here at Core Catalysts. Executive on Demand provides talented executives with skill sets ranging from COO, CFO, CIO, Sales/Marketing, and HR on a fractional, retained, or project basis. The need for this service offering came about because of two major trends. The […]

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July 2020

Supply Chain: Re-Shoring, On-Shoring, and Buffer Options

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” -Attributed to Winston Churchill. For the last few decades, “off-shoring” (basing some of a company’s processes or services overseas, to take advantage of opportunities to lower costs), “vendor simplification”, and “just-in-time” (reducing stocks of raw-materials, work in progress, and finished goods within operating processes […]

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June 2020

PowerPoint Tips to Nail Your Presentation

It’s hard to communicate ideas simply. In the right hands, PowerPoint can be a great tool to help you get your points across in an effective and easy way. If you want to make sure your next PowerPoint presentation to gets your point across effectively, try applying a few of these tips:  THINK BEFORE YOU POWERPOINT  Before […]

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